Squadron communications and online activities, including area-directed-activities and summer training, will take place on our Cadet365 Teams site, so it is important that all cadets have activated their Cadet365 account. If you do not have a Cadet365 account that you are able to monitor, you will miss out on many activities.
Activating Your Account
Instructions for accessing Cadet365. You should install the Microsoft Teams and Outlook apps on your phone or computer so you can make use of the chat and email features available to cadets. If you’re already using these apps with a school account, you should create a different profile for your cadet account so you can use both.
Cyber Awareness Training
Once you have activated your account you must complete the cadet cyber awareness training.
Problems With Access
If you have forgotten your password or have a problem with access and need to reset your password, use the password reset page. If that doesn’t work send your request for password or multifactor authentication (MFA) reset to [email protected] with either your cadet email address or spelling of your first and last name, as well as the cadet unit to send the password to (103 RCACS).
Squadron communications and online activities, including area-directed-activities and summer training, will take place on our Cadet365 Teams site, so it is important that all cadets have activated their Cadet365 account. If you do not have a Cadet365 account that you are able to monitor, you will miss out on many activities.
Activating Your Account
Instructions for accessing Cadet365. You should install the Microsoft Teams and Outlook apps on your phone or computer so you can make use of the chat and email features available to cadets. If you’re already using these apps with a school account, you should create a different profile for your cadet account so you can use both.
Cyber Awareness Training
Once you have activated your account you must complete the cadet cyber awareness training.
Problems With Access
If you have forgotten your password or have a problem with access and need to reset your password, use the password reset page. If that doesn’t work send your request for password or multifactor authentication (MFA) reset to [email protected] with either your cadet email address or spelling of your first and last name, as well as the cadet unit to send the password to (103 RCACS).
Reference Material |
Uniform Checklists
Please use the checklists above prior to coming to parade to ensure your uniform meets the standards. If you require new uniform parts please refer to the measurements guide, fill out the uniform request form, and email the completed form to the supply officer.
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